
Horseplay: The Herbaliser DJs + Noodles (Groove Chronicles) + My Panda Shall Fly

Horseplay: The Herbaliser DJs + Noodles (Groove Chronicles) + My Panda Shall Fly

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Proud Camden, Camden Town, United Kingdom

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Horseplay Presents:


The Herbaliser DJs
Noodles - Groove Chronicles 
My Panda Shall Fly 

With live music TBA!

South Gallery Hosted by BLUME - House & Garage Flavours

Horseplay at Proud Camden presents Herbaliser DJs, Noodles (Groove Chronicles) and My Panda Shall Fly. A night of Electronica, Hip Hop, Turntablism and Dance Music, on our Proud's high powered sound system.


£5 Tickets available - http://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?639209


Proud Camden
The Horse Hospital
Stables Market
Chalk Farm Road
Camden Town
United Kingdom