
Johnny Kid Presents: Hinterland Sounds II

Johnny Kid Presents: Hinterland Sounds II

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Proud Camden, Camden Town, United Kingdom

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Live sets from:


George Cosby

Native Roses

Corey Fox-fardell


Live music is always a good mid-week shout, particularly when taste-making London-based music blog Hinterland Sounds calls the shots. 


Following our first event at Proud in Camden on 27th August, expect live sets from Gäy flying in from Denmark, George Cosby, Native Roses and Corey Fox-Fardell at Proud Camden.


To those yearning for fresh sounds, this one’s for you. Tickets available for only £6 with a few sneaky pre-listens via a Hinterland Party Playlist below.


Tickets: http://www.seetickets.com/event/johnny-kidd-presents-hinterland-sounds-ii/secret-location/804246



Proud Camden
The Horse Hospital
Stables Market
Chalk Farm Road
Camden Town
United Kingdom