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Proud Camden, Camden Town, United Kingdom

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Having established itself as one of the most exciting Hip-Hop & RnB parties in London, BOOM is now monthly at Proud Camden. Dedicating an entire night to the most shamelessly urban anthems of the last 40 years, this is your fix for those guilty pleasures of Hip-Hop and RnB.

With monthly prizes for best Hip-Hop T-shirt, dance offs and drink specials this is the perfect party for those looking to ‘Jump Around’ to House Of Pain or ‘Get Jiggy With’ Will Smith.

Expect to hear everything from the classic chart toppers to current floor fillers as we take you from RUN DMC & Rhinanna to Mariah Carey and Kanye West. 

Friday 10th June - Friday 1st July - Friday 19th August - Friday 16th September - Friday 28th October - Friday 4th November - Friday 23rd December 


Proud Camden
The Horse Hospital
Stables Market
Chalk Farm Road
Camden Town
United Kingdom