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Proud Camden, Camden Town, United Kingdom

This event is sold out

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General Sale (Photo ID Required)  £5.00 Off Sale
Entry pre 11pm. Entrance is at the door's discretion. No hats no hoods. Mixed Groups only.
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Every Thursday - Proud Camden.


Music Across 2 Rooms: House | Garage | Hip Hop | R&B | Disco.




★ Giant Games

★ Ball Pit

★ Giant Inflatable Fun

★ Secret Beer Garden




Drink Deals:


❤ Single House Spirit + Mixer = £3.50

❤ Double House Spirit + Mixer = £5

❤ 2 Fire Bombs = £5

❤ Bottle of Beer = £3

❤ Selected Shots = £2.50



Proud Camden
The Horse Hospital
Stables Market
Chalk Farm Road
Camden Town
United Kingdom