Big Band Brunch

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Proud Embankment, City of London, United Kingdom

This event is sold out

Book tickets Price Quantity
EARLYBIRD  £29.00 Off Sale
Ticket includes two course roast dinner with one hour bottomless prosecco or Bloody Mary.
Photo ID required.
Dress code: smart casual
First Release  £34.00 Off Sale
Ticket includes two course roast dinner with one hour bottomless prosecco or Bloody Mary.
Photo ID required.
Dress code: smart casual
Final Release  £39.00 Off Sale
Ticket includes two course roast dinner with one hour bottomless prosecco or Bloody Mary.
Photo ID required.
Dress code: smart casual
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Total booking fees comprise charges for IT services, credit card charges and/or other administrative fees allocated by the event organiser

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Proud Embankment
8 Victoria Embankment London
City of London
United Kingdom